
Autoresponse en Postfix

Autor YouCode - http://www.youcode.com.ar/postfix/autoresponse-en-postfix-90

Como hacer una respuesta automática en los emails.

Creemos que el artículo es lo bastante claro en ingles, por eso no traducimos.

We can download and install Autoresponse as follows:

cd /tmp
wget http://www.nefaria.com/scriptz/autoresponse-1.6.2.tar.gz
tar xvfz autoresponse-1.6.2.tar.gz
cd autoresponse
useradd -d /var/spool/autoresponse -s `which nologin` autoresponse
mkdir -p /var/spool/autoresponse/log /var/spool/autoresponse/responses
cp ./autoresponse /usr/local/sbin/
chown -R autoresponse:autoresponse /var/spool/autoresponse
chmod -R 0770 /var/spool/autoresponse
Then we edit /etc/postfix/master.cf:
vi /etc/postfix/master.cf
At the beginning of the file, you should see the line
smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
Modify it so that it looks as follows (the second line must begin with at least one whitespace!):
smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
   -o content_filter=autoresponder:dummy
At the end of the file, append the following two lines (again, the second line must begin with at least one whitespace!):
autoresponder unix - n n - - pipe
     flags=Fq user=autoresponse argv=/usr/local/sbin/autoresponse -s ${sender} -r ${recipient} -S ${sasl_username} -C ${client_address}
Then run...
postconf -e 'autoresponder_destination_recipient_limit = 1'
... and restart Postfix:
/etc/init.d/postfix restart
If you have users with shell access, and you want these users to be able to create autoresponder messages themselves on the shell, you must add each user account to the autoresponse group, e.g. as follows for the system user falko:
usermod -G autoresponse falko
However, this is not necessary if you want to create all autoresponder messages as root (or use the email feature to create autoresponder messages - I'll come to that in a moment).

autoresponse -h

to learn how to use Autoresponse:

server1:~# autoresponse -h

/usr/local/sbin/autoresponse [-r {recipient email} -s {sender email} -S {sasl username} -C {client ip}] 
[-e {email address}] [-d {email address}] [-E {email address}] [-D {email address}] [-h]

        -r, -s, -S, and optionally -C must be used together to 
specify a recipient, sender, sasl username, and client IP of an autoresponse message.
           Normally you configure these in postfix's "master.cf" 
but they can be used from the terminal as well (only for testing purposes!).
           If this is executed from a terminal, you'll need to hit CTRL-D
 when you are finished typing your autoresponse message.

        -e is used to create a new autoresponse or edit an existing one for the specified user.
           If a disabled autoresponse message exists, it will be ignored and a new message will be created.
        -d is used to disable an existing active autoresponse message.
        -E is used to enable an existing autoresponse message. If both a disabled AND and an active autoresponse message exist,
           the active message will be overwritten by the disabled one.

        -D is used to delete an existing autoresponse message, it will not delete disabled autoresponse messages.

        -h prints this help menu


To create an autoresponder message for the account falko@example.com, we run...

autoresponse -e falko@example.com
... and type in the autoresponder text:
I will be out the week of March 2 with very limited access to email.
I will respond as soon as possible.

(You cannot set the subject using this method; by default, the subject of the autoresponder messages will be Out of Office.)
Now send an email to falko@example.com from a different account, and you should get the autoresponder message back.

To disable an existing autoresponder, run

autoresponse -d falko@example.com
To enable a deactivated autoresponder, run
autoresponse -E falko@example.com
To delete an autoresponder, run
autoresponse -D falko@example.com
You can modify the RESPONSE_RATE variable in /usr/local/sbin/autoresponse. It defines the time limit (in seconds) that determines how often an autoresponder message will be sent, per email address. The default value is 86400 (seconds) which means if you send an email to falko@example.com and receive an autoresponder message and send a second email to falko@example.com within 86400 seconds (one day), you will not receive another autoresponder message.
vi /usr/local/sbin/autoresponse
declare RESPONSE_RATE="86400"

Creating/Deleting Autoresponder Messages By Email

Instead of creating autoresponder messages on the command line, this can also be done by email. If you want to create an autoresponder message for the email address falko@example.com, send an email from falko@example.com tofalko+autoresponse@example.com (this works only if you've set up SMTP-AUTH on your server). The subject of that email will become the subject of the autoresponder message (that way you can define subjects different from Out of Office), and the email body will become the autoresponder text.

If you create an autoresponder this way, Autoresponse will send you an email back like this one (so that you know if the operation was successful):

Autoresponse enabled for falko@example.com by SASL authenticated user: falko@example.com from:

If there's already an active autoresponder for that email address, it will be disabled (i.e., there's no active autoresponder at all for that address anymore, and you will receive an email telling you so:

Autoresponse disabled for falko@example.com by SASL authenticated user: falko@example.com from:

This means the email feature is a toggle switch - if there's no sautoresponder, it will be created, and if there's an autoresponder, it will be disabled.
